Dazed and Confused
Launching a new online business can be intimidating enough as it is. It takes time, investment, risk, bravery, a little bit of luck and the list goes on! If you’re one of these people I take my hat off to you, you’ve already achieved a great deal and should be proud of what you’ve accomplished. However don’t get too carried away, you’ve only completed phase one. Now it’s time to get your name out there.
I know what you’re thinking though (as I’ve been in the same boat)….. where do I even begin? Which channels should I use? Which platforms should I focus on? Which areas should I invest more money in? There are so many different moving parts to online marketing it can become a bit overwhelming. Especially if you don’t have any prior experience. So my first piece of advise is……get organised!
Marketing Calendars Can Work Wonders
Take the time to put together a marketing calendar. I can’t begin to tell you how much it helped me organise my thoughts and more importantly my online marketing plan. It doesn’t even have to be too complex. Break it down by month and just make sure you have your activities, actions, objectives, investment and ROI included (see above for an example). Set yourself realistic goals based on measured values such as website visits/social engagement/newsletter sign ups etc. That way you can keep on top of your goals and measure how successful your marketing is each month.
Website On Point
It only takes seconds to form a first impression of a person and websites are no different. It only takes a split second for visitors to form an opinion of your site. So before you starting driving traffic to your website make sure it’s on point (as they say). Ensure your site has visual appeal and is easy to navigate. Make sure the copy and images on your homepage are relevant, informative and capture your audience’s attention. And whatever you do, make sure your site loads quickly! Digital consumers are very impatient and if your site takes too long to load they’ll leave and most likely never come back. It’s where the majority of traffic is lost so it’s imperative you get it right. Check out our eBook on the subject if you want additional information here.
Capture That First Party Data
With Apple throwing a spanner in the works for advertisers with their iOS14 update, it’s never been more important to capture your own first party data. That way you’re not relying on any third parties and you can build a database full of loyal audience members, who have willingly given you their information. A good way of doing this is by creating a pop up window on your site (see above for example) that prompts users to enter their name and email address. In doing this you’re preparing for your first email campaign…….. which is covered in part 2!